Permanently solved.


A workplace with many screens to check the systems.

Control systems

SCADA-Sys­tems - Re­mote Con­trol - Ob­ject li­braries

Func­tionality com­bined with a de­tailed, well de­signed operating and visu­ali­zation con­cept.

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Photo: Karl-Ludwig Oberthür

Successful com­missioning of charging sub-unit with balancing con­verter

The companies F&S PROZESS­AUTOMATION GmbH (F&S) and Rail Power Systems GmbH (RPS) have com­pleted the jointly de­veloped compact charging sub-unit for a charging voltage of AC 15 kV 50 Hz.

The charging sub­unit was transferred from Dohna near Dresden to Alstom's Salz­gitter plant by road transport in mid-February 2023, where it was erected ready for operation within four days.

Meticulously designed; solutions built to last

We provide our customers with engineering solutions that work reliably and retain compatibility and expandability for generations to come. Our interdisciplinary teams keep every detail of your custom solution in focus, so that it will serve you reliably over the very-long-term. By retaining independence from single manufacturers, we have the freedom to always choose the very best solution for your project, while always keeping the system-level goals in sight.  

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Reddish image - A large city in bird's eye view.

System-level solutions

We provide you with highly personalized and continuous support, which is why we understand your project and expectations during each and every project phase. Thanks to our unique company structure, we are highly flexible and react quickly to serve your individual needs.

System solutions

F&S Quality Management

The quality management system which we introduced in May of 2001 ensures that our products and processes are closely controlled and continually improved. We are highly dedicated to the idea that each and every team-member contributes to the evolution of our products and processes.
