Subsynchronous converter cascade from F&S for clean air in casting hall

Illustration of an LCL cabinet.

The sub­synchronous converter cascade was designed, manufactured, tested and finally commissioned on site at Hütten­werke Krupp Mannesmann GmbH (HKM) in Duisburg by F&S. It operates a 1.5 MW, 5 kV asynchronous motor with a maximum rotor voltage of 1.6 kV.

F&S realized the sub­synchronous converter cascade with its own products.

For this pur­pose, several of our standard modules such as thyristor and diode power modules of the type PM, thyristor gate units of the type GU3006 and a control unit of the type SC1200 were integrated. In order to meet the increased demands of reliability of power supply, the output inverter of the sub­synchronous converter cascade was designed redundantly. The overvoltage protection of the type OVP used for the DC link of the USK also belongs to our F&S product family.

…hiermit bedanke ich mich für die reibungs­lose Um­setzung und gute Zu­sammen­arbeit im Namen der HKM bei allen die sich an dem Neu­bau, Um­bau und der In­betrieb­nahme der USK Ent­staubungs­gebläse beteiligt haben. Es hat Spaß gemacht mit Euch...

…on behalf of HKM, I would like to thank all those in­volved in the con­struction, con­version and commissioning of the USK de­dusting fans for the smooth implemen­tation and excellent co­operation. It was a pleasure to work with you...

- Gregor Hessek –
Hüttenwerke Krupp Mannesmann GmbH
Blast Furnace Maintenance Department

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